
So today was my daughter 1st day back at the preschool she goes to. I am so proud of her I drop her off no tears just a hug and a kiss goodbye and grabbed the teachers hand and went to circle time. I feel as if she is growing up to fast cause i know that soon i will be dropping her off at school school and he brother will be at preschool. Just seeing my little girl walk in like the big girl that she is makes me feel so proud. I take her to preschool so she can have fun and be around kids and to get a break from her brother at home. When I picked up my daughter she could not stop talking about her school and what all she had done, the projects, painting coloring, and how she went down the slide and saw the castle, but she didnt go in.

She talked about her school all day long and when her daddy got home she couldnt stop telling him and i saw the smile on his face knowing that his little girl loved going to school and at the end of their little chat she looks up at him and said ” I go to school like you do daddy” with a big smile on her face. then she said ” I love you daddy!!” Its moments like those I know I’m doing something write.


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